IGA Moves 5k Race for PAVA

12 May ,2015

On April 19th, 2015, the Guatemalan-American Institute (IGA) hosted their second annual 5K race, “IGA Moves”. The race was held in Guatemala City, in the avenue that runs parallel to the Mateo Flores Stadium in Zone 4. 

Participants rose bright and early to attend aerobics and dance classes to warm up for the 8:00 am race. Attendees ranged from babies in strollers to grandparents. Some even brought their pets and ran with their dogs and puppies. 

“5K is nothing…! We will finish in half an hour,” said an experienced participant who exercises daily. Another participant thinks that the race is a “good stimulus to start an exercise routine and contribute to a project that creates educational opportunities for rural children”.

The participants of IGA Moves helped us raise funds for the benefit of our Comunitecas in Panimachavac, La Loma, and Paxixil, in Tecpan, Chimaltenango. The event was quite a success and lots of fun for the whole family.

