Improvement in community’s organization and management

21 September ,2017

In 2016, PAVA centered its efforts in improvement the community management capacities. This meets the sustainability goal and gives to the community leaders the responsibility for the management and operation of the community libraries (“Comunitecas”). Also meets the strategic goal of be with the leaders in the process of reaching their own community development plan´s objectives.

Through the Workshop: “Improvement of Community’s organization and management”, the community leaders developed their organization, direction and management capacities.

The development of COCODEs, Community Libraries’ directors and community authorities in general, has allowed them to assume a proactive role in the pursuit of the community common benefit. The capacity to choose and reach join goals is an important part of the communities’ decision-making. This allowed them to apply to the necessary resources for the development of different projects. Also, this let them to see themselves as change players in their own community.

The effective contribution to the development for the communities by their local authorities is linked with the capacity to apply for the resources. Development management is extremely linked with sustainable development, this is possible only when the people assume the collective and personal responsibility in the good use and consumption of the resources (Mckeown, 2002: 12).

The management’s capacity implies the contribution to the human development that means to give more options to the people in order to enjoy their freedom. The player’s involvement is one of the human capacities. This implies the making of decisions with the goal of get the community’s wellbeing, also implies that men and women involvement in the decisions’ making process. (Beteta y Rubio, 2006:45)

This Workshop benefited 36 members of different figures of local authorities. For 10 sessions, were addressed issues such as: Leadership, the Law of Community Counsels of Development, basic skills of the leaders: How to management, to apply, to organize and to supervise the management of projects cycle.

This session allowed the leaders to analyze their communities’ necessities and propose the necessary actions in order to deal with those necessities.


Participants’ testimony:

  1. We learned the four leader’s roles: To management, to apply, to organize and to supervise. We also learned to tell apart the basic services, the community development and what a project is. We felt motivated with the games we did and we learned something new. Hever Quex y  Amilcar Láres.


  1. We liked a lot this Workshop, because was very dynamic, all of us participated and we felt union of the communities. We admire the “La Loma” participants who walked many kilometers to get to Panimachavac, which is the site where it took place the Workshop for our community. We learned how we could be the best leaders, and, that the projects can reach the community if we know how to apply for them. Roberto Pérez, Gloria Sajvín y Yolanda Lucas.


  1. We learned basic issues like the leaders punctuality, the skills we have to have and issues that should concern us, like malnutrition and inequality. We liked a lot the games we played, like team working and other stuff. Pedro Guantá, Pedro Morales y Enrique Rabinal.