22 September ,2016
For many years PAVA has worked closely with children and youngsters from La Loma, Panimachavac and Paxixil in Tecpan, Chimaltenango stimulating their pursuit for a better education. Many of them have shown great interest and dreamt that some day they will become professionals.
Youngsters like Julio Caesar, Manuel, Angel Anibal, Lesly, Diego, Jose Efrain, Julissa, Astrid, Jackeline, Royer, Wilmer, Barolo see themselves becoming architects, accountants, medical doctors, mechanics, teachers, firefighters or lawyers.
In PAVA we believe that education is the fundamental basis for community development and our belief is that promoting school continuity through scholarships will help these children and youngsters to strengthen their skills and abilities and become agents of change and positive leaders.
The dreams that each of these children have are very important and they deserve all possible ways to make them happen.
The development of a nation is the result of individual goals and achievements, and this is when collective collaboration becomes a need in helping these youngsters to look for better opportunities.
As facilitator to make these dreams happen, PAVA has committed itself to raise funds through an effort called “Be a guardian of dreams” and with the support of Grill Jungla restaurant, we are offering a culinary experience to be held on Thursday, September 29th at 7 p.m.
The pairing will be conducted by Chef Paola Vargas and master brewer Juan Jose Bonilla of Cervecería Centro Americana. Reservations can be made by e-mailing admonpava@gmail.com or by calling 4218-7112. Contribution is Q250 per person and proceeds will go to PAVA Scholarship Fund.
We invite you to be part of the change and thereby make dreams come true for the children and youngsters from La Loma, Panimachavac and Paxixil in Tecpan, Chimaltenango.