Summary Report 2017

26 December ,2017

Summary Report 2017


The present report details the results obtained, based on the 2017 strategic objectives. It should be noted that this year PAVA focused its efforts on strengthening the capacities of young people, giving them the opportunity to develop their leadership so that they can be agents of change in their communities.

Listed below are the actions taken by work components:


Componente: EDUCACIÓN






Kindergarten Program.


During 2017, the different Boards of Directors of the Comunitecas (Communities Libraries) promoted the Kindergarten program in the communities of Paxixil, Panimachavac and La Loma.


With this program, the skills and abilities of 54 children, aged 3 to 5 years were strengthened. This program was in charge of community promoters, who did the planning and facilitation. They received constant training throughout the year for the development of children care competencies.


We thank Child AID and the Carlos F. Novella Foundation for allowing the promoters to train in their programs.












La Loma






Program: Literacy.


As part of the Story Time program, where love for reading is fostered, fourth-grade children from the communities of Panimachavac and Paxixil developed reading skills during the sessions held during the year. Participants received quarterly assessments based on the program’s three main components: efficient decoding, reading comprehension, and criticism. Following is the Reading Development Assessment graphs.


As a result, it is worth noting the advances in the area of ​​literacy. in the first quarter, 27% improved their reading skills, in the second quarter 47% have reading skills appropriate to their age and in the third quarter can show 53% that reach the level of expected reading and 11% that exceeds the indicators according to age.


Children who attend the program frequently have had successes in the school year, these children enjoy reading workshops and occupy the honor roll at their school.


The program was also replicated in Paxixil obtaining satisfactory results









The scholarship program supported 73 students this year in its different modalities. 41 children were benefited with scholarships in partnership with BK Scholarships Foundation, The primary scholarship program aims to get rural children to complete primary school.

17 young people completed the basic cycle of which 13 promoted satisfactorily.
15 young people studied the different degrees of the diversified cycle, several of them had a satisfactory performance as outstanding students in educational establishments. Noteworthy are the achievements of: Lesly Jasminia Can Sepet, an outstanding student at the Pedro Molina School of Chimaltenango, she is distinguished by her leadership and support for others. Ludvin Oziel Alfaro Marroquin stands out in his courses in mathematics and computing sciences.  Julio Cesar Ajtac perseveringly manages to be one of the top 4 positions at the Adolfo V. Hall Institute in Santa Cruz del Quiche. Diego Samuel Chonay achieves averages above 85 points in the Mesoamerican school, Lilian Yesenia Cristal Tzian student leader, excels among the group of scholars and is an outstanding student at his school CERBI. Julissa Cristal Tzian won the honor to the merit in the Israel School for her high performance. Alma Jerónima Quex Juchan stands out for her great desire to become a volunteer for Panimachavac's community programs. Alva Cecilia Quex Sajvin, is a promoter of the Kindergarten and Literacy Program in the Comunità de Panimachavac, she is the best reader and speaker in her classroom, she studies Baccalaureate in Hotel and Tourism in Chimaltenango




I feel happy for the scholarship that my son Adolfo Ovidio has, this is a miracle for me, because none of my children have studied due my economic conditions but thanks to the support of PAVA my son is studying and he is the only one who will one day be a professional.

María Magdalena Larios Cobox








Intelligence Project


This is a complementary program for scholarship students. The program was worked in biweekly sessions with young scholars of basic and diversified. The lessons were based on fundamentals of reasoning and understanding of the language, this allows them to develop their thinking skills and thereby improve their academic performance.




Some testimonies:
Project intelligence has been very helpful because I have put it into practice in my studies but mainly in my writing and logic course, in each lesson we learn new things, new words and this helps us improve our language.
Julisa Cristal Tzian
Project intelligence has helped me in my courses because I can order and write sentences well, because sometimes we start to say one thing and end up saying another.
María Marisol Mejia
He has helped me in the Communication and Language course since several of the topics seen in the project have also been seen in class and this facilitates learning in our studies.
Lilian Crystal








Program: I am an agent of change in my community


The objective of this program is to develop the leadership skills of the young people involved in the community scholarship and promoter program.


The young people were accompanied to develop initiatives at the service of the community, this is the result of a leadership training process. This year the young people identified needs in the communities and submitted projects to the contest "I dare", this was organized by Glasswing International and USAID. As a result, the project: Three words, a change in my community (Use and responsible management of waste, family gardens/food and availability of drinking water). With the $ 6,000.00 prize, the youth identified 41 families from the Paxixil community seeking to improve their living conditions.



Within the execution of the project, the following actions were carried out with the participating families:


  1. Training of recycling and construction of aboneras (manure disposal) for the controlled management of waste.


  1. Training on Food and Nutrition Security. From this action, the construction, management and technical assistance for family gardens. Kitchen workshops where mothers learn to cook nutritious recipes that improve nutritional conditions.


  1.  The families were benefited with an Ecofilter (water filter), this action will allow the reduction of gastrointestinal diseases and guarantee the consumption of drinking water to the families.






As part of the leadership developed by the youth, they were winners of the CONCAUSA initiative. This allowed Lilian Yesenia Cristal Tzian, Adolfo Ovidio Larios Cobox, and Maria Marisol Mejia Itzay, all high school students traveling to Santiago de Chile to share the Food Security project and Nutritional (family gardens).

This experience allowed the young PAVA participants, to represent Guatemala in a Latin American conference.


Stimulation and Improving eating habits

This program is directed by young scholarships in the Panimachavac community, the mothers meet with their children under 6 years of age to the Comuniteca (Community Library) to develop timely stimulation techniques with their children. In addition, nutritious cooking workshops are held to improve eating habits and reduce malnutrition. It is worth highlighting the spirit of enthusiasm in these actions demonstrated by the network of volunteers.






​ Better Families

During 2017, the first 9 sessions of the Better Families program were developed, this program strengthens hygiene habits in families, achieves the awareness of mothers to improve the care and attention of their children and promotes an improvement at family level and therefore community.
This program is aimed at women in the community of La Loma, they participate in an every other week training process. With the training that the participants have received, attitudes of change have been observed at a personal and the family level, they have improved hygiene habits and personal care, and they also improve their eating habits, which is reflected in the health of their children.
The participants comment that in better families, they were made aware of the importance of consuming safe water and since then, they boil the water, the result has been seen in children because they no longer have gastrointestinal problems.




19 women of La Loma community participate in the Better Families program.