
18 June ,2018

In 2018 the PAVA scholarship program supports 24 young people to continue their studies at the middle level. Each of them is characterized by excellent academic performance, participation and leadership qualities. Thanks to the "guardians of dreams" that allow us to support the Guatemalan youth.

Of the total of scholarship students, 11 attend the high school and 13 the diversified one. Each of them is characterized by having different talents.


Three young enthusiastic participants of the scholarship program train women from the community of La Loma to manufacture soaps, this will allow women to make products for their homes and have new income alternatives for their families.

The process of strengthening the capacities of young people called "I am an agent of change in my community" has made young people in the communities involved in projects that benefit families. At the present moment, 5 projects are being developed:

A. Training for women to enhance entrepreneurial skills.

B. Improving food habits: training on nutrition and food preparation to prevent malnutrition.

C. Drinking water for my community: provision of water purification filters through a family saving system, which allows them to replace the filtering unit when necessary.

D. Farm support for the community: a project to raise laying hens that allows families to obtain eggs at low cost to improve the family's diet.

E. Recreational playground for infants: the youth managed a space in the community, for the installation of a children’s playground. This helps to develop the gross motor skills of children and at the same time promotes the right to recreation.



This year 24 young people participate in the Intelligence Project, in which they develop skills of logical thinking, critical analysis and other skills that allow a better performance of young people.

Promoting love for reading is one of the objectives of PAVA, which is why various activities are being developed in the COMUNITECAS (Communities Libraries), this year we have the support of La Valija and la Cobija, a nice project that supports us to strengthen our skills in reading, storytelling and others.


Thanks to the support of the Carlos F. Novella Foundation, the promoters of the Comunitecas (Communities Libraries), are trained in the program “Building the Children’s Present”. With these trainings it is guaranteed a better attention to the children that attend the kindergarten of those Comunitecas.

The reading club awakens the interest of young people for different topics. This year a group of young people share their anecdotes about their favorite readings thanks to this space.