22 November ,2017
PAVA is a Not Governmental Organization that resides in Guatemala, in 1982 we started as a support for the Western Highlands’ people who were affected for the effects of the internal war.
Through all these years we were supported in better life conditions of the people, with programs and projects concerning education, infrastructure and community’s development.
Today, our intervention model is centered in the Comunitecas (Community Libraries) that are learning, empowerment and communities’ development centers.
In Guatemala, only 45% of the children who completed Elementary School, have the chance to continue High School studies. The women, the children and the young people who live in rural zones had less possibilities to do it. For that reason PAVA encourage education programs directed to teenagers and children of the communities of La Loma, Panimachavac y Paxixil de Tecpán, Chimaltenango.
This year we centered our efforts in the scholarships’ program, through the “Dreams Keepers” campaign. 40 students of Elementary School, 17 students of High School and 15 students of Higher Education could reach their goals thanks the support of good heart people who believed in every dreamer.
Every scholarship holder receives a study package that covers: inscription, school tariffs, materials, notebooks, uniforms, scholar transport, etc. PAVA supports too, with programs of reading and writing, intelligence project, leaderships workshops, educative tours, and other educational activities.
To this day, more than 120 students have received higher studies diplomas, thanks to the support that the organization brings since 1996 with the scholarship program. Is our goal that After the participation of Alba Quex, Erick Sajvín, Jennifer Sut y Raquel Sajvín in the CONCAUSA 2030 that took place in Santiago de Chile in November of 2016, these young people had commitment in developing the Opportune Stimulation program in the Panimachavac community also they added discussions about “Getting better eating habits in kids under 5 years”. In these spaces participate children from 0 to 5 with their mothers. They learn techniques that allow different areas of development stimulation.
This has been a good year, a group of young scholarship holders who participate in the program of young leadership sponsored by PAVA, presented the project; “Three words, a change for my community”. This project pursuit the increase of the community’s sensitivity in themes of solid waste handling, family vegetables gardens and getting better food consume.
In the Comunitecas (Community libraries), its encouraged the love for reading. Community’s promoters do different activities and strategies of read writing with Elementary School’s students. Through the reading EDL development evaluation it have been proved that the participants had getting better reading compression and fluency.
Young participants in the Leadership Program coordinate with Ecofiltro management the water purifying filters donation. With this initiative, they want to reduce the disease frequency and guarantee the drinkable water supply.
If you want to support the PAVA initiatives, write us to admonpava@gmail.com